Internet of things causing you Grief?

So you decided to try the new Internet of things also known as Alexa to help in how to train your Pandora, or tame your Spotify account to play your favorite playlist. But now you find out that it can do more than that. Alexa Let us take a step back and ask the question, what is the Internet of Things,  or IoT for those of you that love acronyms. Simply put, it is any device that has an ON and and OFF switch that can now be part of the internet. For example, your smart TV,  light switches, alarm panel, garage door opener, coffee pot and the list goes on and on.

Now that the internet is streaming everything is possible through your smartphone, and smart tablets you now have control just an app away. And with the expansion of seamless WiFi available, this is the perfect storm for the Internet of Things to blossom and become part of your every day routine.

Having problems with your Internet of things a.k.a Alexa or Google Home?

google homeWhen Alexa and her evil counterpart Google home work as intended, they are amazing with the things they can do for you without having to handle your smartphone, or tablet. All can be accomplished by simply speaking to them. That is when the Internet of things are working harmoniously turning on your lights, changing your favorite music and setting the right temperature.

Got WiFi connectivity issues?

But what happens when you discover that your Wireless router that you have stashed in your office doesn’t reach all of the devices that were intended to work with Alexa or Google home? According to Cnet who is a reputable company that reviews all consumer electronics gave the following advice. First reset your (Iot) device, then your modem and finally the router. If that does not work then relocate your wireless router to a central location in the house.

That is all fine and dandy if you are tech savvy and live in a condo, or guest house. But most of us live in modest homes that exceed the range of your wireless router. Most homes we work on range from 1,500 to 25,000 square feet with 2 or 3 stories. The poor router from Cox or Time Warner (Spectrum)  doesn’t stand a chance

Look at this picture! You can see the possibilities of how many devices can actually reside and be dependent on your WiFi to communicate and be controlled by the different Internet of things that were once just dummy devices. Not to mention, this is only one room!

The unfortunate thing that the companies don’t tell you when you buy into the Internet of things is that they all do not play well together. The reason is that certain companies only want you to use only their smart devices.

In addition, each device is competing with each other for the attention of your WiFi speed. Especially those cameras that are streaming directly to your smartphone, or tablet.

What is the solution for your (Iot) Internet of things?

Google home can throw that favorite Youtube videos on your flat screen wirelessly, or turn on your pretty lights and fancy thermostats with a touch of a button. So the answer to all your WiFi and internet issues is simple.

You pick up the phone, shoot us a text message at 858-764-2648 to schedule an appointment using the BOOK NOW button TODAY   to schedule a complimentary appointment to see how we will be able to seamlessly and effectively cover your entire house with a reliable wireless system.

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